Quality Management
Quality Management
Our quality Management System is meeting the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 It encompasses all of the aspects involved in the provision of services, from initial enquiry through to implementation, operation and reporting.
The services we provide are managed in accordance with quality plans tailored to meet our client’s specific requirements. In order to ensure compliance with our Quality Management System, regular quality audits are carried out throughout the organization.

Quality Policy
GCC is in the field of Electro-Mechanical contracting which involves the following activities; estimation, design, purchasing, contracting, installation and commissioning of mechanical, electrical, and public health services and operational maintenance of installed mechanical and electrical services.
• It is the policy of GCC to supply customers, products and services which have been quality assured in accordance with agreed specifications.
• It is our policy to achieve customer satisfaction by total commitment to quality management systems. This includes establishing quality objectives in line with the quality policy and to review them on a continual basis.
• It is our policy to demonstrate continual improvement in our products and services to satisfy the needs and expectations of our customers.
• The policies laid down in this manual cover estimation, design, purchasing, contracting, installation, and commissioning of mechanical, electrical, and public health services and are fully endorsed by the board of directors and backed up by Quality Assurance Procedure manuals.
• The policies within this document and procedures contained in quality assurance procedure manuals are mandatory to all employees.
• Management reviews of quality systems will be held on a regular basis in line with the documented procedure with a view to improving the system and reducing the possibility of non-conformance.
Quality Assurance Policy
It is the policy of all companies within the Group to provide service and goods, which meet the agreed contractual specifications and quality standards defined by the customer (via his/her representative). To this end, every operating unit is required:
• To maintain staff able to interpret, clarify and conform to the client’s requirements.
• To ensure, by proper selection and examination that goods supplied and/or incorporated are suitable and safe to operate.
• To make sure that goods and systems are installed in a satisfactory manner.
• To commission completed systems so that their operation and maintenance are facilitated.
• If so required by the client, to ensure that the completed and commissioned systems are serviced on a regular and systematic basis.